Roboquest Wiki

Oasis is one of the three possible second maps in Chapter 1. It is set in an idyllic, tropical biome filled with waterfalls and plenty of flora and fauna. Access to this map is open from the very beginning. To clear this map, the player has to reach the ending and beat the boss. Alternatively, the player can choose to go through the time-gated exit without beating a boss.


The map can roughly be divided into 9 subareas:

  • the entry area where the player spawns
  • the Secret Cave hidden area
  • the first half of the map where the main combat happens
  • the Hidden Sanctuary secret area
  • the corrupted challenge area in the first half
  • the break area with the door to The Rift and the deployable bots
  • the second half of the map where the main combat happens
  • the break area before the boss with a small selection of deployable bots
  • the boss

Secret Base[]

Buddybot Door Secret Base

The Secret Base is a hidden area in the entry area of the map, tucked away behind a waterfall and locked behind a door which uses the Buddybot as key. Inside, there are a Data Log, the Swim Trunks and Smithing TED.

Hidden Sanctuary[]

Hidden Sanctuary

The Hidden Sanctuary is the secret area in this map. Unlike most secret area, this one is already openly available from the start. The Javelin (which unlocks the Ranger Class), a Data Log and Johnny Waterfall can be found here. At first, he will ask for his lost Swim Trunks, but after having received them from the player, starting the next run, he will offer a selection of two fantastic Items of which the player may choose one for free.

Prior Maps[]

The Oasis map is only accessible from Canyons.

Next Maps[]

There are two potential next maps available from Oasis: going through the map and beating the boss leads to Fields, while the time-gated door in the break room leads to The Rift. The door closes once the in-game timer reaches three minutes. And while the entry to The Rift does not require beating a boss, it does require the player to reach the end within a time limit. Failing to do so will lead to a Game Over.

Data Logs[]

Data Log Icon 2x

In total, there are 6 Data Logs hidden in Oasis. For more details on their exact locations check their respective pages.


Secret Icon Better 2x

In total, there are 4 secrets hidden in Oasis. For more details on their exact locations check their respective pages.
